Saturday, April 16, 2011

Changes and OMG I agree with Paul Ryan

I agree with Paul Ryan on some things. That's right. I found myself reading The Weekly Standard and agreeing with Paul Ryan and his dreamy blue eyes. (please see The Slate Political Gabfest for the dreamy blue eye comment) Here is the video that prompted my Paul Ryan thoughts. "That is where we are right now. This is the most predictable economic crisis we’ve ever had in the history of our country. And yet, we have a President who is unwilling to lead. We have too many politicians who are worried about the next election and not worried about the next generation."

Also found this great article on integrity to juxtapose a post on politics.
  1.  You live without regret because you make decisions based on what you know to be right.
  2. You lead by example by acting with honesty.
  3. You develop the power to make accurate observations and can recognize truth in others more easily.
  4. You live with a free conscience and a clear mind uncluttered by a need to keep straight stories. 
  5. You have the strength to handle and cope with rejection or criticism because you know your intentions were pure and honorable.
  6. You are able to minimize personality conflicts because you act out of assertion instead of aggression.
  7. You are able to live and love freely since you have nothing to hide and hide nothing.
  8. You are easily able to accept responsibility for mistakes when they happen and move forward with confidence.
  9. You learn that truth has no agenda and develop a reputation as a person that treats others fairly.

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