I am not good at keeping up to date with the whole blog situation. Time just has a way of passing quickly and life gets busy with a million other things. I have now lived in Indiana for about 7 months. Where has the time gone?
The time has flown that is where. The holidays and getting settled into my apartment have consumed a lot of my time. Going out of town has been the other big time consumer. Lately, I have been feeling like I need to spend a bit more time in town establishing a life here.
A big step in that direction for me was getting a cat. I love cats. I have not had my own cat in about 4 years since my wonderful old man cat passed away. I adopted a wonderful little gray kitty last weekend. It is strange to have another living being to come home to at night. It is refreshing in so many ways. He is super affectionate as well.
This past month has been both one of the better months I have had here and one of the hardest. Many things have happened since the beginning of February. Mainly in the last 2.5 weeks.
I have had many wonderful visits with friends where I used to live. I got to see their new child, eat breakfast scramble and read the NYTimes with another, explore the area I live more with my wonderful friends that came to visit. All of these things made me so happy.
I also went to church for the first time in a long time. I always have found it very unnerving to go into a new church for the first time. A lot of that feeling is my own inner conflicts. However, I felt wonderfully welcomed this go round. I felt instantly welcome and not in a "I'm gonna save your soul" kinda way. But more in a good to have you here kind of way. I plan on returning this coming Sunday as well as attending a social event they are hosting on Friday evening.
Today, I also took a huge step toward starting grad school either in the summer or fall. I had a leftover bill from undergrad preventing me from getting my transcripts. It felt good to put that check in the mail today. So hopefully by the end of the month, my application will be in for grad school. Sweet. I am almost out of most of my debt that is not related to student loans and personal loans. It feels good to be making a dent on it and that my friends are awesome and patient with me.
The most difficult aspect of the last month has been getting some medical issues dealt with. Thankfully I have a doctor that I feel like listens to me and is all about my best interests. The one downside is that the medicine I am on makes me exhausted and emotional. Hopefully that will work itself out. The medicine has helped with a lot of things right away, just need to work past the exhaustion. Normally I wouldn't blog about things as personal as this but I am still coping with it all.
Overall things seem to be heading toward the up.
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